Tag Archives: professional accreditation

What you need to know about graduate school accreditation

Are you considering applying to graduate school?

If so, it’s imperative that you choose a college/university that’s accredited by one of six regional accrediting bodies. Depending on the type of program you’re interested, you should also determine if the program needs to be accredited by a specialized or professional accrediting agency. Learn more below.

Regional Accreditation

The U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognize the following six accrediting bodies that can award regional accreditation to degree granting institutions.

Specialized Accreditation

The Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA) provides a collaborative forum for  organizations in the U.S. that assess the quality of specialized and professional higher education programs and schools. These organizations ensure students receive an education consistent with standards for entry to practice or advanced practice in each of their respective fields or disciplines.